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Understanding the Spread of Mold: How It Happens and What You Can Do

7/10/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working on remediation We explore the various ways mold can spread within your home and provide tips for preventing its proliferation.

Mold is a common household problem that can spread quickly if left unchecked. Understanding how mold spreads is crucial for effective prevention and remediation. In this blog post, we'll explore the various ways mold can spread within your home and provide tips for preventing its proliferation.

Through Airborne Spores

Mold spreads primarily through airborne spores. These microscopic particles are released into the air when mold colonies are disturbed, such as during cleaning or renovation activities. Once airborne, mold spores can travel through the air currents and settle on surfaces throughout your home, where they can germinate and proliferate under the right conditions.

Through Contact with Contaminated Surfaces

Mold can also spread through direct contact with contaminated surfaces. When mold spores land on surfaces such as walls, ceilings, furniture, or household items, they can attach and begin to grow if moisture and organic material are present. Touching or disturbing mold-contaminated surfaces can dislodge spores and spread them to other areas of your home.

Through HVAC Systems

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems can contribute to the spread of mold throughout your home. Mold spores can enter HVAC systems through intake vents or leaks in ductwork, where they can accumulate and spread through the air ducts to other rooms. Poorly maintained HVAC systems with inadequate filtration can exacerbate mold spread.

Through Water Intrusion

Water intrusion is a common cause of mold growth and spread within homes. Leaks from plumbing fixtures, roof leaks, floods, or high humidity levels can introduce moisture into your home, creating ideal conditions for mold growth. Mold can spread rapidly in damp environments, moving from the initial source of moisture to adjacent areas.

Through Personal Belongings

Mold can also spread through personal belongings such as clothing, furniture, and household items. Mold spores can attach to these items and be transported from one location to another, spreading mold throughout your home. Contaminated belongings should be properly cleaned and disinfected to prevent further spread of mold.

Tips for Preventing Mold Spread

Maintain Proper Indoor Humidity:

Keep indoor humidity levels between 30% and 50% to inhibit mold growth and spread. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas and ensure adequate ventilation throughout your home.

Address Water Intrusion Promptly:

Promptly repair any water leaks, plumbing issues, or water damage to prevent mold growth and spread. Thoroughly dry affected areas within 24-48 hours to prevent mold from taking hold.

Clean and Disinfect Contaminated Surfaces:

Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces prone to mold growth, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. Use mold-inhibiting cleaners and proper ventilation to prevent mold from spreading.

Maintain HVAC Systems:

Regularly inspect and maintain your HVAC system to prevent mold buildup in air ducts and components. Change air filters regularly and ensure proper ventilation to minimize mold spread through HVAC systems.

Mold can spread quickly and easily within your home, posing a threat to both your property and your health. By understanding the various ways mold spreads and implementing preventive measures such as maintaining proper humidity levels, addressing water intrusion promptly, cleaning and disinfecting contaminated surfaces, and maintaining HVAC systems, you can effectively prevent mold spread and maintain a healthy indoor environment. If you suspect mold growth or need assistance with mold remediation, contact a professional restoration company like SERVPRO® for expert assessment and remediation services.

Protecting Your Electronics: How to Prevent and Recover from Water Damage

6/11/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage can wreak havoc on electronic devices, causing malfunctions, corrosion, and even complete failure. In this blog post, we'll explore the common causes of water damage to electronics, practical tips for prevention, and steps for recovering water-damaged devices to help you protect your valuable electronics and minimize potential losses.

Causes of Water Damage to Electronics

Water damage to electronics can occur due to various reasons, including:

Accidental spills: Accidentally spilling liquids such as water, coffee, or soda onto electronic devices.

Flooding: Exposure to water from floods, leaks, burst pipes, or natural disasters.

Humidity: Prolonged exposure to high humidity levels can cause condensation and moisture buildup inside devices.

Submersion: Immersion of electronic devices in water, such as dropping a smartphone in a pool or bathtub.

Prevention Tips

To prevent water damage to your electronics, consider the following tips:

Keep liquids away: Avoid using electronic devices near liquids and beverages, and be cautious when handling drinks around electronics.

Use protective cases: Invest in waterproof or water-resistant cases for smartphones, tablets, and other portable devices to provide an extra layer of protection.

Store devices properly: Store electronic devices in dry, climate-controlled areas away from areas prone to water leaks or flooding, such as basements or bathrooms.

Use moisture-absorbing products: Place moisture-absorbing products such as silica gel packs or desiccants near electronic devices to help absorb excess moisture and prevent condensation.

Perform regular maintenance: Routinely inspect electronic devices for signs of water damage, and promptly address any issues to prevent further damage or corrosion.

Recovering Water-Damaged Electronics

If your electronic devices have been exposed to water, follow these steps for recovery:

1. Power off the device

Immediately power off the device and remove any batteries or power sources to prevent electrical shorts and further damage.

2. Dry the device

Gently blot or wipe away any visible moisture on the exterior of the device using a soft, absorbent cloth. Avoid using heat sources such as hair dryers, as excessive heat can damage sensitive components.

3. Disassemble if possible 

If the device is safe to disassemble, carefully remove any covers, panels, or removable parts to allow better airflow for drying.

4. Air dry or use a drying agent

Place the device in a dry, well-ventilated area or use a moisture-absorbing product such as rice or silica gel packs to help absorb the remaining moisture.

5. Seek professional assistance

If the device does not power on or exhibits signs of malfunction after drying, seek professional assistance from a qualified technician or electronics repair specialist for further evaluation and repairs.

Water damage to electronics can be expensive and inconvenient, but taking proactive measures to prevent water exposure and knowing how to properly recover water-damaged devices can help minimize potential losses. By following the tips outlined in this blog post and taking swift action in the event of exposure to water, you can protect your valuable electronics and ensure their functionality for years to come!

Tornado Preparedness: Steps to Take Before, During, and After the Storm

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO truck in front of a sunset. Remember, SERVPRO® is here to help with any storm damage restoration and cleanup needs.

Living in an area prone to tornadoes requires preparedness and quick action to ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones. Tornadoes can strike suddenly and with immense force, causing widespread damage and devastation. Here are some essential steps to take before, during, and after a tornado to stay safe and minimize damage to your property:

Before the Tornado

1. Create a Tornado Emergency Plan

Develop a family emergency plan that outlines where to seek shelter in your home or community shelter, as well as how to stay informed about tornado warnings and evacuation orders.

2. Identify a Safe Shelter

Designate a safe room or storm shelter in your home where you can take refuge during a tornado. Choose an interior room on the lowest level of your home, away from windows and doors.

3. Prepare an Emergency Kit

Assemble an emergency kit containing essential supplies such as non-perishable food, water, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, and important documents. Store the kit in your designated safe room or shelter.

4. Secure Outdoor Items

Bring in or secure outdoor furniture, lawn decorations, and other loose items that could become projectiles during high winds. Trim trees and branches near your home to reduce the risk of them falling during a tornado.

During the Tornado

1. Seek Shelter Immediately

If a tornado warning is issued for your area or if you see or hear a tornado approaching, seek shelter immediately in your designated safe room or storm shelter.

2. Stay Informed

Monitor weather updates and warnings through a battery-powered weather radio or a smartphone app to stay informed about the tornado's location and trajectory.

3. Take Cover

If you are caught outdoors or in a vehicle during a tornado, seek shelter in a sturdy building if possible. If no shelter is available, lie flat in a low-lying area and cover your head and neck with your hands.

After the Tornado

1. Wait for the All-Clear

Remain in your safe shelter until the tornado has passed and local authorities have issued an all-clear signal. Be cautious when emerging from shelter, as additional tornadoes or severe weather may occur.

2. Assess Damage

Check your home for damage, taking care to watch out for hazards such as downed power lines, gas leaks, and structural damage. Use caution when entering damaged buildings and wear protective clothing if necessary.

3. Contact Authorities and Insurance Provider

Report any injuries or significant damage to emergency services and your insurance provider as soon as it is safe to do so. Document the damage with photographs or videos for insurance claims purposes.

By taking these proper actions before, during, and after a tornado, you can help ensure the safety of yourself and your family and minimize damage to your property. Remember, SERVPRO® is here to help with any storm damage restoration and cleanup needs. Stay safe and be prepared for severe weather events.

Restoring Air Ducts and HVAC Systems After a Fire

4/17/2024 (Permalink)

After a fire incident in your home, the cleanup process can be overwhelming. It's not just about the visible damage but also the hidden areas affected, like your air ducts and HVAC system. Smoke and soot can infiltrate these systems, spreading contaminants and debris throughout your home. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of restoring residential air ducts and HVAC systems after a fire and how SERVPRO of Lake Arlington can help you through this process.

Preventing Further Contamination

Smoke and soot particles can settle within your air ducts and HVAC system, posing a risk of further contamination if left unaddressed. Professional restoration of these systems is crucial to prevent the spread of contaminants and ensure the safety of your indoor environment.

Improving Indoor Air Quality

Restoring your air ducts and HVAC system is essential for improving indoor air quality and creating a healthy living environment for you and your family. Removing smoke and soot residues from these systems helps eliminate odors and pollutants, allowing you to breathe easier and reduce the risk of any issues.

Identifying and Addressing Damage

Our trained technicians conduct a thorough inspection of your air ducts and HVAC system to assess the extent of the damage. From there, we develop a customized restoration plan tailored to your specific needs, addressing any issues such as smoke damage, soot buildup, or structural damage to the system.

Professional Cleaning and Restoration

Our experts at SERVPRO® utilizes advanced equipment and techniques to clean and restore your air ducts and HVAC system to pre-fire condition. Our specialized cleaning solutions effectively remove smoke residues and contaminants without causing further damage to the system, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

Ensuring Safety and Peace of Mind

By trusting the restoration of your air ducts and HVAC system to SERVPRO, you can rest assured that the job will be done safely and efficiently. Our team is dedicated to providing quality service and restoring your home to a clean and healthy state, giving you peace of mind during the recovery process.

In conclusion, restoring residential air ducts and HVAC systems after a fire is essential for preventing further contamination, improving indoor air quality, and ensuring the safety of your home. With our SERVPRO of Lake Arlington team's expertise and specialized equipment, you can trust us to restore your air ducts and HVAC system to pre-fire condition, helping you move forward with confidence after a fire incident.

Weather The Storm With SERVPRO

6/29/2023 (Permalink)


Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit North Texas, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,700 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams  that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today 817-557-6895

Storm Season Is Approaching

6/29/2023 (Permalink)

It's storm season again! When the cold arctic air from Canada and the warm tropical winds from the Gulf of Mexico meet, this can cause major weather disturbances in North Texas.  As everyone who's lived here a while knows we can see all kinds of damaging weather from torrential rains, ice, sleet, hail, high winds, and tornadoes. When these storms hit SERVPRO of Lake Arlington is ready to clean up the mess and make it "Like it never even happened."  With over 40 franchises in the Dallas Forth Worth metroplex and our expert storm team always on the ready SERVPRO of Lake Arlington has the resources available to handle any size disaster.  Our highly trained technicians will restore your property while providing excellent customer service in the process.

24/7 we are here for you.

How Often to Clean HVAC?

5/23/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO technician cleaning the air vent piping We offer heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit (HVAC) cleaning.

As you embark on cleaning your home, you may forget an important piece of machinery that needs cleaning and maintenance as much as the garage needs cleaning! Don't forget about your HVAC system.

Benefits of Cleaning Your HVAC

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pollutant levels inside your home can be two to five times higher than outdoors pollutant levels, and the ventilation system is often the largest contributor to low indoor air quality! Many systems go a long time before being inspected and cleaned, so if your HVAC system is like most, your dirty vents might be circulating odors, mold, and irritating dust throughout your home, too.

The EPA reports contaminants or foreign objects such as rodents, insects, dust, dirt, debris, bacteria, mold, and pollen have the ability to enter and collect in your air ducts. So not only is your indoor air quality worsened, but these critters and allergens can cause long-term damages to your HVAC system.

Who Cleans Air Ducts?

Cleaning your HVAC system is no easy task without the right tools, but that’s where a professional in the industry like your local SERVPRO can help. We offer heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit (HVAC) cleaning. In most cases, air duct cleaning is not essential to a smoothly run home, but after a major air-quality-reducing event like a fire with smoke or suspected mold growth, duct cleaning is absolutely essential to limit the circulation of contaminants throughout the house.

If your HVAC has been operating for some time without attention, it could be circulating the following:

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Odors
  • Dirt and debris
  • Other contaminants

How Does SERVPRO Clean HVAC Systems?

Unlike most duct cleaning services, we use a Portable Ventilation & Air Duct Cleaning System to examine ductwork and sweep clean years of dust and grime.

This system allows us to:

  • Remediate Bacteria, Fungi, and Mold
  • Reduce Potential for Mold Growth
  • Restore Peak Energy Efficiency
  • Eliminate Offensive Odors
  • Provide Free Written Inspections and Estimates

Our Duct Cleaning Process

  • First, we use patented equipment, such as the roto-scraper, which automatically adapts to the duct's shape and diameter while traveling through the duct, removing debris and filth before vacuuming begins.

  • Next, a powerful push-pull air delivery and collection system transfers the debris from the ducting to a 16-gallon container.

  • Air is filtered through a HEPA filtration system, removing 99.97 percent of particles in the airstream. HEPA filters capture debris and keep the environment clean.

  • As an optional process, a sealant or coating product may be sprayed to address odor or microbial concerns.

  • Filters will either be cleaned or replaced to remove odor and dirt.

If you have other cleaning needs, we provide various cleaning services. Call (901) 382-0900 today.

Approximate The Distance To Lightning Strike: Know How To Prepare for Storms

5/23/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO storm cloud logo outline with orange lightning strike coming from the bottom of the cloud To approximate the miles a strike is from you, count the seconds between the flash and thunder, divide by 5!

Know How To Prepare for Storms

Lightning causes around 43 deaths in the U.S. annually (based on statistics from 1989-2018). Thankfully, this number is only 10% of the average lightning strikes, the other 90% are left alive, but with various degrees of disability.

Nationally, lightning ranks second only to flash floods in weather-related deaths. Lightning is the most frequent important weather threat to personal safety during the thunderstorm season. Since the threat of lightning is so common, it is typical that many have a lackadaisical approach to protecting themselves. The main reason is that people stay outside too long as thunderstorms approach or form nearby. 

For example, during the early part of the thunderstorm season, "dry" thunderstorms are quite common. With these types of thunderstorms, little or no precipitation reaches the ground and, as a result, people are less likely to seek shelter.  See lightning facts below for statistics on lightning events. 

Did you know?

  • The air near a lightning strike is heated to 50,000 ° F, that is hotter than the surface of the sun!
  • The average flash could light a 100-watt light bulb for more than 3 months.
  • Lightning occurs with all thunderstorms.

While most lightning casualties occur at the beginning of an approaching storm, a significant number of lightning deaths occur after the thunderstorm has passed.  If thunder is heard, then the storm is close enough for a lightning strike.  DO NOT wait for the rain to start before seeking shelter, and do not leave shelter just because the rain has ended. 

A Cool Lightning Hack

You can approximate the distance of lightning!

Did you know you can approximate the distance a storm is from you but counting the time between the flash of lightning and the thunder sound that coincides with the lightning flash? That means you can, at your own home, with minimal supplies, figure out how far a lightning strike is from you!

What You’ll Need:

  1. You Ears
  2. Your Eyes
  3. A watch with a second counter or a phone

From the time you see lightning, it will take the sound of thunder 5 seconds to travel 1 mile. To approximate the miles a strike is from you, count the seconds between the flash and thunder, divide by 5!

For example, if you see a flash of lightning, start a stop watch and hear a large crash of thunder 5 seconds after the flash, your lightning is only 1 mile away! Anything less than 5 seconds is definitely close, so seek cover!

It's not raining, is there still danger from being struck by lightning?

YES!  Lightning often strikes outside of the heavy rain area and may occur as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall.

Will the rubber soles of my shoes or tires on my car protect me from being struck?

NO! However, the steel frame of a hard-topped car provides a sort of Faraday Cage or Faraday shield. This increases protection if you are not touching metal. Although you may be injured if lightning strikes your car, you are much safer inside the car than outside. When skies darken, or thunderstorms are forecast, look and listen for increasing wind, flashes of lightning, sound of thunder, and static on your AM radio.  While no place is safe from lightning, some places are much safer than others. 

Where you can go…

  • Get inside a house or large shelter
  • Remain clear of tall, isolated trees and telephone poles
  • If possible, move to a sturdy building or hard top automobile
  • If you are caught outside, away from shelter, you need to get to a place of safety as quickly as possible. If safe shelter is not possible, lie down on low lying ground or in a ditch.
  • If boating or swimming, get out of boats and away from the water, get to land and find shelter immediately

What you can do...

  • Watch for signs of an approaching thunderstorm
  • Postpone outdoor activities if thunderstorms are imminent. This is your best way to avoid being caught in a dangerous situation
  • REMEMBER, if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to a storm to be struck by lightning

If your home or property has been damaged by severe winds, water, or storms—call SERVPRO of Lake Arlington for a free damage restoration estimate.

Storm Damage Cleanup & Restoration

5/4/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Lake Arlington specializes in storm and flood damage restoration. Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.


Since we are locally owned and operated, we can respond quicker with the right resources. This is extremely important because a fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.


When storms hit Lake Arlington we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of over 1700 franchises across the country as well as our elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • A Trusted Leader in the Water Restoration Industry
  • Locally Owned and Operated
  • 817-460-7766

Restoring storm- and flood-damaged properties is the cornerstone of our business. Our highly trained professionals use specialized equipment and advanced training to quickly restore your Lake Arlington property to pre-storm condition. We’re dedicated to responding immediately, which helps to minimize secondary damage.

We are storm and water damage specialists who get started promptly to get your property dry and back to pre-storm condition. Using advanced equipment and scientific drying techniques, we document the drying process to validate your home or business is ready.

  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technicians

Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

5/4/2023 (Permalink)

Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

Atlantic hurricane season runs roughly from June 1 thru November 30 each year, with September holding the spot for the peak hurricane month. While, technically, hurricanes can wreak havoc any time of the year, this is the time to be on your guard the most. With that said, there are several ways to prepare for these storms during the off-season so you are not caught unawares.

Stock Up on Essentials

You'll want to prepare for the loss of electricity and the ability to cook by stocking up on waterbreadnon-perishables, and items you can eat without heating. Also, make sure you have:

  • Extra batteries for flashlights or headlamps,
  • Portable chargers and cables for cell phones,
  • Candles with matches. 

Check Your Insurance

If you live in a hurricane-prone region, make sure your insurance covers flooding and other expenses you may incur because of a Texas hurricane.  

Make a Video of Your Home

If your home is damaged from hurricane winds and water, a home inventory video will help prove the pre-storm state of your home and make insurance claims processing easier. It would also be beneficial to make electronic versions of important documents related to your home and your personal information in case the originals are destroyed in the storm. Include digital files of documents such as your:

  • Birth certificate
  • Driver's license
  • Home's deed
  • Social security card

Protect Your Property

Install hurricane shutters or plywood of at least 3/4 inches in thickness. You may need to install hurricane clips to secure the roof of your home to the walls. This is important in areas that may receive a direct hit, and install foot and head bolts on all doors.

Make an Evacuation Plan

When it is time to evacuate, go. Make a plan for where you and your family will stay at least 50 miles from your Texas home. If you can, pre-pack a bag before the threat of an Atlantic hurricane is severe. Load it with clothes, blankets, food, water, electronics, and important papers or photos.

Use These Tips

Don't Take Risks. Ultimately, people are more important than things. People hurt in hurricane weather evacuate late or stay in their homes altogether. Be wise and get out early. Prepare in order to mitigate panic and this kind of risky behavior. 

We Help with Hurricane Recovery

We live and work in this community; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated cleaning, damage restoration, and construction business, SERVPRO of Lake Arlington is a proud and active member of this community and is ready to respond to your Orlando home emergency 24/7/365. Call us today at (817) 460-7766.